Is there a way to modify the Open Terminal command so that it uses tabs with I have been trying to do this but my applescript-fu is weak. :/
I see there is plenty of support for this in the scripting dictionary, but I also don’t get AppleScript.
I tried first:
tell app "Terminal" to return tabs of first window
This worked fine, so then I tried:
tell app "Terminal" to make new tab in first window
That gave me:
Terminal got an error: Can’t make or move that element into that
container. (-10024)
And then I gave up :)
Giving up is correct behavior! :))) The whole frustration with AppleScript is that you have no way of knowing whether a feature is implemented ("Is it possible to script the Terminal to make tabs in a window?") and, if so, what the syntax is for making it happen.
I believe the matter at hand (unless I've misunderstood - I haven't really been following along) has been pretty well discussed here:
Haha. The author ends up recommending a variant of the same hack I settled for:
Tell application "System Events" to tell process "Terminal" to keystroke "t" using command down
What a disappointment! And why does "make" fail here? Ah well...
Best, Mark