On Nov 4, 2006, at 5:18 PM, Bakki Kudva wrote:
Oops. I did read the release notes and I forgot to mention that ^> also does not work for me.
Hmm, something is fishy here. If you look in the Ruby bundle do you see a snippet called Insert ERb’s <% .. %> or <%= .. %>?
BTW, James I got your book and really like it.
Thank you so much!
A suggestion I have, if I may, is to add a section on the file layout of TextMate.
You mean the bundle structure?
I've discussed this with the editor and publisher, word is still out but it doesn't look good. Sadly we only have so much space and need to make sure we are filling it with the stuff everyone needs.
If it turns out to be a big problem in technical review though we will revisit it. Thanks for the suggestion though. We are considering it.
James Edward Gray II