Le 26 janv. 08 à 13:28, Brad Miller a écrit :
latexmk is only used if it the preference for it is checked in the latex bundle preferences. If latexmk is used any options you have specified are passed along to latexmk through the temporary rc file.
in texMate.py and def run_latex, i put
texin,tex = os.popen4("pdflatex --shell-escape - interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style"+" " +"/Users/ego/ Desktop/try/trytablor.tex")
I've the same problem but I see in the folder /try a .pdf file and some others files but these files are removed.
I would like to keep these files, how to do this ?
os.popen4 ?? Is it possible to use another command ?
Regards Alain