I agree with you. I use markdown for a number of things myself and most of my .txt files are really markdown.
Here is a hint that Allan sent out to the Bundle Developers list after I erroneously committed a change to the markdown language that caused it to claim text files.
If you want your txt files to open as Markdown, you can run this from (while TextMate is NOT running):
defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakLanguageFileBindings '({name = "Markdown"; fileTypes = (txt); language = "0A1D9874- B448-11D9-BD50-000D93B6E43C";})'
Language is the language UUID. Instead of fileTypes it's also possible to use firstLineMatch as key. Of course there'll be an UI ontop of this functionality later.
So far its worked great for me.
On May 7, 2005, at 8:02 AM, Tom Lazar wrote:
hi there,
I'd like some advice on how to best change the default language for .txt to markdown (90% of my plaintext is in markdown and i find that in the other 10% the markdown language doesn't break anything really, either - try it out on TextMate's README, for example...)
at the same time i like to stay current with the svn repository, so simply making a copy of the markdown bundle in ~/Application Support/TextMate/ wouldn't be viable either.
any suggestions?
best regards,
btw. b8 looks really good! methinks it should be announced on versiontracker and such places! -- Tom Lazar
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