It sounds like .tm_properties will handle most of what projects do now in terms of saving state. A discrete project file has one big upside though: Opening the project from outside the editor.
How many of us open up Word or Photoshop and do File > Open, vs just double-clicking on an icon, or using something like Alfred or Launchbar?
TM 2 crashes/freezes whenever I tried to navigate to my project directories, so I haven't been able to live with this new workflow, but I hope there's some way to make it easier to use from outside the editor. Even if tmproj is nothing but a one-line instruction to TM to open a particular favorite, it would help.
Looking forward to future Alphas.
On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 5:40 AM, Merrifield Adam wrote:
While I haven't tried all the favorites and such in TM2 (yet) I will argue that one reason for me to use tmproj is because the app bundles I work on are obscured from normal view, making them cumbersome to navigate to. And there are far too many to add to favorites. tmproj was a nice way to have almost a symlink for TextMate, if you will, to the bundle.
But as I said, I haven't actually tried the favorites so I will hold off further commentary until I am knowledgeable to speak on such things.
Adam Merrifield seyDoggy vCard:
On Dec 14, 2011, at 4:36 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 14 Dec 2011, at 10:27, Peter Jahn wrote:
As with many features, projects are most likely absent from the alpha
will probably be restored at a later stage, almost certainly before the final release.
We don’t intend to restore tmproj files — there is a file browser
(toggles on ⌃⌥⌘D), add to favorites (e.g. for folders) / open favorites (⌘T-style “project open” on ⇧⌘O), session restore (i.e. keep the existing stuff open on relaunch), new window with file browser showing (⌃⌘N), folder specific settings, i.e. “project settings” but far more flexible (see upcoming blog post about .tm_properties), SCM status in file browser (⇧⌘Y), show (reveal) current file in browser (⌃⌘R), etc.
Those things should make up for not having the old project files — give
it a try and if you still feel hindered after some weeks, let us know about it.
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