When coding, I prefer to have things like this:
something( "blah" );
Rather than:
To accomplish this, I had created a scope called "meta.parentheses" which only applied if the cursor was between empty matching parentheses. I then had a snippet, with the spacebar as the key equivalent and meta.parentheses as the scope, that would insert [space]$0[space]. This made the spacebar behave normally inside parentheses unless they were empty, which is what I wanted.
The problem: I noticed this morning that by adding the "meta.parentheses" scope to a particular Language Grammar, I wasn't getting updates for that language (my local modified copy taking precedence).
Now, I probably set this up prior to when TextMate started storing things as deltas. Is it possible that if I duplicate the change, I will still see updates to the grammar in the future with my delta applied?
Or perhaps a better question: I had added my new scope to the PHP grammar, but I'd really like the behavior in all "text" and "source" contexts. My searching of the archives led me to some discussions of applying a snippet to all scopes, but how can I add a scope to all languages (without missing out on updates)?