Hi! I have something like this: cur.execute(""" select svc.post.id_post, svc.post.id_post_zone, svc.post.post_name as post_name, svc.post_zone.zone_name as zone_name, svc.post.id_post_type, svc.post_type.post_type_name, svc.post_type.post_color from svc.post inner join svc.post_zone on svc.post.id_post_zone = svc.post_zone.id_post_zone inner join svc.post_type on svc.post_type.id_post_type = svc.post.id_post_type where svc.post.id_post = :id """, {'id':post} ) And want to do something with that sql text if its sql (colorize or Command-R it via SQLDeveloper etc.). But scope for that string is "source.python ... string.quoted.double.block.python" Is it possible to fine tune scope selector? Any advice?