Charilaos Skiadas <skiadas@...> writes:
Do you have TM_LATEX_BIB set? If so what is its value? Does the command work when run directly from the menu? If not, does this problem persist if you create a brand new project, and create a tex file and a bib file in it, the tex file containing a \bibliography{bibfile} command (and the file being saved) and the bib file containing some sample entries?
Thank you very much for your answer. I see the problem now. I don't have any .bib file. I just use the \begin{thebibliography}…\end{thebibliography} environment in my .tex file :-) That's my mehod of choice when writing scientific papers with relatively small biliography.
Any chance to modify your bibliography completion command to work with the “thebibliography” environment ? ;)