Having a small problem changing the HTML wrapping setup to accommodate php docblocks.
I use alt-cmd-[ to reformat my code, and it (unsurprisingly) resets docblock comments to
/** * A comment **/
However, I like my coments to fold!
I've tried changing the HTML language to cope with this, but I can't quite get it to work. I can get
/** * A comment **/
to fold with :
foldingStartMarker = '(?x) (<(?i:head|body|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|tr|div|select|fieldset|style| script|ul|ol|li|form|dl)\b.*?> |<!--(?!.*--\s*>) |^<!--\ \#tminclude\ (?>.*?-->)$ |<?(?:php)?.*\b(if|for(each)?|while)\b.+: |{{?(if|foreach|capture|literal|foreach|php|section|strip) |{\s*($|?>\s*$|//|/*(.**/\s*$|(?!.*?*/))) |^\s*/**\s*$ # added for folding docblocks )'; foldingStopMarker = '(?x) (</(?i:head|body|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|tr|div|select|fieldset| style|script|ul|ol|li|form|dl)> |^(?!.*?<!--).*?--\s*> |^<!--\ end\ tminclude\ -->$ |<?(?:php)?.*\bend(if|for(each)?|while)\b |{{?/(if|foreach|capture|literal|foreach|php|section|strip) |^[^{]*} |^\s***/\s*$ # added for folding docblocks )';
But can't seem to get the two spaces before the ** on the last line to take.
Is there some trick with the regex I'm missing, or can I change the behaviour of alt-cmd-[ ?
-- Richard Dyce MA (Cantab.) MBCS MIET