Charilaos Skiadas <skiadas@...> writes:
I wouldn't call a 4MB bundle small ;). I agree though that 5 js code cleanup commands do not qualify for a bundle of their own, but perhaps we would consider adding some of them to the javascript bundle.
Yes indeed, we don't want to put 4MB of this stuff in the repository, but it'd be great if it could be installed elsewhere on the user's system and then called by these bundle commands, appropriately added to the javascript bundle.
PS: Incidentally, I'm in general in favor of merging some of the smaller bundles that really belong together, and doing some other renaming to keep things better organized, more consistent, and clearer for users:
* There's no reason for Django to have 2 bundles. Also, maybe call this "Python -- Django" ? * OCamlCodeCompletion being 3 bundles is ridiculous. Even one is pushing it, given that the concept is a drastic misuse of snippets for a problem domain they aren't suited to, but 3 is definitely overkill. * JQuery should be renamed "Javascript JQuery" to match the YUI and Prototype bundles * "Tricks" and "Experimental" bundles seem to have an overlapping mission * "Template toolkit" should maybe be called "HTML -- template toolkit" so that people have an idea what it is? * Not sure "web searches" really deserves its own bundle. Why can't it go under the "TextMate" bundle or similar. * should SWeave maybe be called "R -- Sweave"? * I still kinda think 3 GTD bundles is too much * Can we just get rid of Active4D altogether, as something that's only used by one guy? (and take that theme out of the repository, too?) * Change "MIPS" to "Assembler", and then people can put other assembly language syntaxes in the same bundle?
Not all of the above are necessarily the best ideas. Feel free to dispute any of them.