Le 4 avr. 07 à 14:50, Charilaos Skiadas a écrit :
On Apr 4, 2007, at 8:36 AM, Alain Matthes wrote:
Le 4 avr. 07 à 14:04, Charilaos Skiadas a écrit :
Ok, the question remains though. The script is already complicated enough
yes but with two scripts, the problems would be divided; more users of mac in general works with pdflatex, and the script for pdflatex is simplest. I prefer two scripts like "dvi" and "pdf" and there is no ambiguity and no test and it's more simple for you !
Hm, that is a possibility. But are there many users who would like to be previewing their files in dvi? And what are the dvi previewers available on Intel machines?
no dvi it's for dvi --> ps ---> pdf : latex + dvips + ps2pdf
you can make a test and red some news on comp.text.tex or de.comp.text.tex or fr.comp.text.tex without pstricks a lot of people (the majority) work with dvi + ps + pdf and latin1. For me it's a wrong way because pdf and utf8 are the best tools...
No it's not for me!
I hate dvi + ps !! pdflatex it's very fine for me with Tikz/pgf ( no pstricks)
Ok now I am confused. What are the various compilation paths that you would like to see?
- pdflatex
- latex + dvips + ps2pdf
- .... ?
1) for me pdflatex but a simple version that each user can adapt according to his needs
2) now if you want that's a lot of latex's users work with textmate I think that it is important that they can easily compile with latex + dvips + ps2pdf
3) There is a last category of users, those which use gnuplot, asymptote and pst-pdf. a) gnuplot : you need the --shell-escape option if the script is simple is not a problem : for example in my case :
run_tex () { "$TEX" ${TM_LATEX_OPTIONS:=--shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style} "$1" }
b) with asymptote you need to chain scripts : example with asy and pdflatex
run_tex () { location=$(dirname "$1") basefname="${location}/`basename "$1" .tex`"
cd $location pdflatex --shell-escape "$1" echo '<h2>Compiling with Asymptote…</h2>' asy "${basefname}.asy" pdflatex --shell-escape "$1" }
c) with pst-pdf : it's the good way to use pstricks with pdflatex, and you need to use ps4pdf ( google ps4pdf herbert voss)
TEX=${TM_LATEX_COMPILER:=ps4pdf} is easy and the work is fine
It is the reasons for which scripts must be simple, but actually for me TextMate is the best tool to work with Latex.
Perhaps : a good help with comment on the script is a solution
Greetings Alain Matthes
PS : Beginning programmation with Ruby by Chris Pine is a good book for a newbie !