On 02 Mar 2006, at 22:55, Allan Odgaard wrote:
Ah… well, a simple way is to put { on the first line and then e.g. “}|growlShellNotify” on the last line. This will cause all stdout output from the stuff in the block, to be piped to growlShellNotify, e.g.:
{ echo foo echo bar }|growlShellNotify
That was the first thing I tried but the result was empty, guess I needed stderr...
To also have stderr redirected, use: “} 2>&1|growlShellNotify”.
I tried this before but I included the all SVN "add to repository" command. This is now working by keeping "require_cmd..." out of the braces.
Thanks Allan.
On 2/3/2006, at 20:42, Duane Johnson wrote:
How about supporting the new CocoaDialog 2.0 "bubble" dialog[1]? If it could be tied in to work with Growl, that would be a nice way to make a standard status information box with optional growl support.
You just pwn3d domenico! :p
I don't understand how CD could be "tied in to work with Growl", sorry.
Since we already bundle CD (although a forked v1.x, but I’ll update it shortly), that could be a nice touch -- although CD does have an issue with multi-monitor setups, since it always use the main screen. So this should preferably be fixed first.
No to be picky but IMHO: Tool tips look like OS 7, CD bubbles like OS 9, Growl like OS X. ;)
But I am a little unsure for what people want Growl notifications, instead of TextMate. I understand that TM’s tool tips currently have lower usability, but Growl to me seems like on screen displays for notifying about background tasks -- where the tool tip output option of TM is often used for instant feedback on the command executed, like Validate Syntax, Show Scope, etc.
I don't really understand what difference you make between Growl's and TextMate's notifications from a user point of view.
I don't know if you use Growl but it's pretty versatile. You can choose the place where it pops up, the type of notif. (even speech or mail - not that useful for TM), the icon, how long it stays, etc. on per command basis (even over a network). So it can be used for notif. of background tasks as well for "instant feedback on the command executed".
The main difference with tool tips, beside the look and configurability, is that it pops at a fixed place., which is not a bad thing IMHO. (I use a bezel centered on screen).
Ok, I'll stop my Growl evangelism. ;) I just thought it was a great notif. system for free, just take it into consideration and do the best as always.
Thanks for your time.
-- Fred http://geekthang.com