Hi all,
On my textmate 1.5 installation I changed the definition of start and stop markers for the python language definition.
Now I realized that by replacing the original start and stop markers, I lose the ability to fold function definition, which is more annoying than I anticipated. My problem now is that I don't know how to redefine the marker definitions and I am not able to revert the language definition.
Can somebody help me by just sending the original foldingStartMarker / foldingStopMarker definition in the python language definition? That would be really helpful!
Also; How can I define more than one Start/Stop marker?
My current definition looks like this:
foldingStartMarker = '^[^#]*(([^)]*$|{\s*$)|(#){1}(\s)+[0-9]+'; foldingStopMarker = '(^\s*)|^\s*})|(#){1}(\s)+(end)+';
But I would like to have several Start and Stop markers.