Still experimenting with the new theme system, I came across this problem in the default PHP bundle : I want to hilight "->" operator, like in : $smarty->template_dir Tried to add my own, no success (the ctrl-shift T tooltip says the scope is source.php). Then I realized the right syntax existed in the Bundle :
<dict> <key>match</key> <string>(::|->)|\b(abstract|cl(ass|one)|extends|function|i (mplements|nterface)|new|parent|self|__(autoload|c(all|lone|onstruct)| destruct|get|s(et|leep)|toString|wakeup))\b</string> <key>name</key> <string>keyword.construct.php</string> </dict>
(note the -> )
It seems correct, but it turns out that "->" is not matched in the string "$smarty->template" but it is when it's surrounded by spaces : "$smarty -> template".
Am I wrong to say it looks like a parsing bug ?