On Apr 15, 2005, at 11:59, Robert M.Zigweid wrote:
I know it's bad to reply to myself, but I believe I found my answer. It looks like the macro editor encodes the snippet into the macro itself, not really using the global snippets. While this is somewhat confusing, it does appear to provide me with a workaround.
Yes -- as Ralph mentions, this is a feature, because you could lose/change etc. the original macro/command/snippet that was used in the macro and/or you could send your macro to a friend who is w/o the dependencies. And of course, the macro could easily break if you change the dependencies.
If you do want a dynamic snippet in your macro, you can call out to the shell and use a variable. E.g. inserting this snippet: “this is ${0:`printenv MY_DEFAULT_VALUE`}!” allows you to change the result of the snippet by going to Preferences / Advanced and setting a value for the MY_DEFAULT_VALUE variable (or set the variable in one of the files sourced by bash).