I wouldn't touch mixed tabs and spaces with the standard-issue ten
feet pole...
It's worked very well for me so far, usually in editors when you say you want soft tab stops at 4 spaces it leaves hard tabs at 8.
[...] I suppose if there's no other option, I could convert all tabs to 8 spaces in all my files.
That would be the only option, I am afraid.
I was afraid you were going to say that :)
Is there a way to provide an argument to changeTabsToSpaces: in the macro recorder for stop size? Macro recording doesn't seem to notice when I change the tab stop, it's a pain to change the stops to 8, convert, then change back to 4 each time. And the macro is marked read-only (sorry, I'm still a TM n00b). I'd like to change files only as needed, and not have to drop to the shell to do a sed on it.