I got a little carried away. Attached below is a Theme Builder bundle, it has one command which generates and switches to a random theme which will target all scopes of the current language (including languages which may be embedded in that).
It does not do anything on my machine?
[...] “if your theme does NOT know about meta.scope.obscure then please have it handled like meta.scope.common, as these are related or at least the style markup would indicate a similar importance.”
This is why the scopes are hierarchical.
Yes, if only the meanings would be as well. I was thinking about something like “this needs to be marked up like it was VERY important, i.e. INVALID even though it is not invalid”
Ideally a theme should only need to style the following scopes: comment, constant, entity, keyword, storage, string, support, and variable.
Yes, I see your point. But then I am looking for some more specific stuff ;) Why not use the functionality if we have it? ;)