Misadventures of a Wizard's Apprentice :
I found in this message : http://lists.macromates.com/textmate/2007-February/017504.html
this idea
ENV['PATH'] = %x{sh -c '. "$BASH_ENV"; echo $PATH'}
I put this line in the file require_cmd.rb and with this line, I can compile without setting the PATH in the Shell Variables.
I would like to know if this idea is fine or if it' dangerous ... Alain
the code : ENV['PATH'] = %x{sh -c '. "$BASH_ENV"; echo $PATH'} require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/escape" require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/exit_codes" module TextMate class << self def require_cmd(cmd) unless File.executable?(cmd) or ENV['PATH'].split(':').any? { | dir| File.executable? File.join(dir, cmd) } TextMate::HTMLOutput.show(:title => "Can't find “#{cmd}” on PATH.", :sub_title => "") do |io| io << "<p>The current PATH is:</p>" io << "<blockquote>" ENV["PATH"].split(":").each do |p| io << htmlize(p + "\n") end io << "</blockquote>" io << "<p>Please add the directory containing “<code>#{cmd}</code>” to <code>PATH</code> in TextMate's Shell Variables preferences.</p>" io << "<p>Alternatively, the PATH can be retrieved from Terminal but this requires a relaunch: " io << "<button onclick= "TextMate.system('#{(ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"]+"/bin/ set_tm_path.sh").gsub(" ", "\\\\ ")}', null)">Set PATH and Relaunch.</button></p>" end TextMate.exit_show_html end end end end