On 09/04/2008, at 3:24 PM, Niels Kobschaetzki wrote:
I have a repo to which I connect via https. The problem is that it uses a self-signed certificate and I to tell svn each time to trust the certificate (even so that I tell it to accept it permanently). When I want to use now the svn-bundle nothing works because there is no window where I can do any input of any kind for accepting the certificate. Any ideas what I can do about that? (It seems though the reason lies in my svn-installation because the certificate doesn't get cached; would be better if anyone would have an idea how to fix that).
Hi Niels,
I have some stuff in the works that will fix this problem. We should be able to update the svn bundle in the next few days, after which whenever svn prompts you TM will be so kind as to bring up a dialog for you to enter whatever you need.
Stay tuned.