On Jan 8, 2008, at 1:38 PM, Nate Cavanaugh wrote:
Thanks for all the help guys, it's much appreciated.
Quick question, do you know if this is possible with TabMate *without* modelines? I'm working on a huge code base with multiple users and strict coding standards and the modelines aren't allowed to sit in SVN, which means I have to copy the mode lines every time I edit the file, in which case, I might as well just manually change the language.
Anyone know of a work around (even if it's a work around in SVN)?
AFAIK, the only options are: change it every time you open the file. Use tabmate with modelines. Change the file extension. Or change the language syntaxes to support that file extension.
I had to do exactly that a few times and I eventually resorted to just changing it each time I opened the file. The trick is to open in in a new window and then change it, that way it doesn't effect your other open files syntax pref when switching project tabs.
—Thomas Aylott – subtleGradient—