On 26/10/2005, at 3.19, David Wooten wrote:
I haven't been able to find a resolution to a keybinding issue I've been having—updates (through 611) after 1.1b17 do not play nicely with my previously existing keybindings, either those generated in my KeyBindings.dict file or those generated by MenuMaster. (For example, no matter what I bind to ^T, it always "Transposes").
Just to be clear, the problem is that your custom key bindings are ignored?
Is this both MenuMasters key bindings and those made in your KeyBindings.dict? And is that KeyBindings.dict in ~/Lib/AppSupport/ TM/? or the one in ~/Lib/KeyBindings/?
If the problem is with a key bindings file being ignored, please post (or send me) the file, since it's then probably something it contains which trips TM.