I was poking around in the HTMl bundles and found an easy way to add more elements that would fold (Marc asked about this). Go to and edit: /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles/ HTML.tmbundle/Syntaxes/HTML.plist
Line 34 and 35 are: foldingStartMarker = "(<(?i:(head|table|div|style|script|ul|ol|form|dl|p|li|a|select))\>.*?
foldingStopMarker = "(</(?i: (head|table|div|style|script|ul|ol|form|dl|p|li|a|select))>|\})";
I added the p,li,a, and select.
One thing to note is that a fold will only occur if an element takes up multiple lines (one line wrapped will not fold).
Have Fun,
Eric Curtis