On 27/10/2005, at 21.11, Tom Lazar wrote:
as I was scrolling through my looong GTD project list that I keep in TextMate using markdown I thought it would be convenient if I could do some folding at the h1, h2, h3 levels to get a better overview.
could somebody here please "smack me on the head" and give a quick pointer on where to start implementing that? I'm not lazy - just clueless ;-)
Well, you should start by identifying the fold start and stop marker.
I'm afraid there's no logical stop marker for Markdown headers, and since Markdown doesn't support comments (AFAIK) there's really no way to add it [1]
You can manually fold them though, and you can semi-automate this by doing something like a regexp search for: ^#+.*$(?m:.*?)(?=^#+.*$)
This should select next header, then F1 to fold that, cmd-G to select next, F1, …
You can record the search + fold into a macro and maybe save with a key. Also, TextMate will remember what you folded upon reload (unless you disabled FS meta data)
[1] You could of course make your own convention, and add post- processing to Markdown.pl