On 26.01.2005, at 09:37, Thijs van der Vossen wrote:
IMHO Support for AS is the only sensible thing to do. For Python, there already is an the Appscript module, see: http://www.pythonmac.org/wiki/AppscriptModule for more information and http://www.pythonmac.org/wiki/AppleScript for other options.
As much as I loathe AS as a language, I have to agree here. AS (or AE) would let TM integrate not only with scripts, but other apps in a standardized way.
Has anyone ever looked closely at F-Script? Seems to be a framework providing a very low-cost (in terms of implementation) bridge between Cocoa and the smalltalkish F-Script language. So if Allan wanted, instead of specifying an editor API, he could probably expose the whole object graph to plugins written with F-Script. I guess it's not so different from PyObjC etc., but it does look elegant. http://www.fscript.org
Also, with a future TM supporting AS, there should be some clever things we could pull off with Tiger's Automator, right? Anyone? http://www.apple.com/macosx/tiger/automator.html
Back to work, -Ralph.