I am using AS3 Bundle.
There is a difference between how the indentation rules work with TM1.5 and TM2.0.
In TM2.0 a new indent is applied each time I type a carriage return - where there was no ending ‘;' In TM1.5 is lined up with the previous line - even where there was no ending ‘;’
The new behaviour (TM2) is quite annoying and really slows down my work, as I do not use the optional ‘;’ in as3.
I have checked the AS3 bundle rules on TM1.5 and TM 2.0 and they are the same.
Why is it different, or rather how can I fix it, please?
These are the rules. They are the same, just in a different order – and I have swapped order to see if it makes any difference. it does not.
//IN TM1.5
{ decreaseIndentPattern = '^(.**/)?\s*}([^}{"'']*{)?[;\s]*(//.*|/*.**/\s*)?$|^\s*(public|final|dynamic|internal):\s*$'; increaseIndentPattern = '^.*{[^}"'']*$|^\s*(public|final|dynamic|internal):\s*$'; indentNextLinePattern = '^(?!(.*[};:])?\s*(//|/*.**/\s*$)).*[^\s;:{}]\s*$'; }
//in TM2
{ increaseIndentPattern = '^.*{[^}"'']*$|^\s*(public|final|dynamic|internal):\s*$'; decreaseIndentPattern = '^(.**/)?\s*}([^}{"'']*{)?[;\s]*(//.*|/*.**/\s*)?$|^\s*(public|final|dynamic|internal):\s*$'; indentNextLinePattern = '^(?!(.*[};:])?\s*(//|/*.**/\s*$)).*[^\s;:{}]\s*$'; }