Hi, I'm new to TextMate, I really like it and am using it mainly for writing with latex. for TM_LATEX_VIEWER I had usually set texniscope until I ran into problems with texniscope in the combination with my custom made bibliography style (which uses babel). Then I switched TM_LATEX_VIEWER to preview, and that works ok, except, that I have to close it before I compile latex. If I don't close it the changes made with the new compilation won't show up.
Is there somewhere in preview the option to "refresh the view", so that the changes in the pdf file appear? Is it possible to use Acrobat Reader or Professional or any other program as pdf viewer with TextMate, and what would be the correct value for TM_LATEX_VIEWER? (side note: I looked in google, and all I have found is TextMate in combination with preview or texniscope... why is that?)
One could argue, I should change/make a new bibliography style file, in order to make TextMate work with Texniscope, however I would like to keep it for now, if I could resolve the "refresh" issue with a pdf viewer. Or would you say texniscope is the way to go?
Thanks for your help, Claus