For some reason, the sub-heading always says: nothing found for ?«search string»?
I only used a tooltip if you are looking for an empty search pattern. Well ... I will also use a tooltip if the nothing is found.
No, this is what I am talking about:
<hypersearch.png> Notice the text below the theme pop-up.
I cannot reproduce the error. If it is not a secret, could you send me this file for 'rusage', please? I want to look for the error. I tried the script many times but that didn't occur(?).
Or if it is a secret, please check the content of the file $TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/bin/count. 'Nothing' only appears if the content of that file is lower than 1. But my problem is that the perl routine found something so $TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT"/bin/count shouldn't be <1???
Btw: might be nice to put the file name in the title, e.g. “«filename» — Hypersearch” or so.
And btw2: use curly quotes in interface text, i.e.: nothing found for “rusage” instead of nothing found for "rusage".