Doh! I just noticed that this is answered at the bottom of the email I just replied too. It's morning here in Japan, I think I need to have some more coffee before firing off any more emails :-)
On Mar 22, 2006, at 10:08 AM, Sean Schertell wrote:
Seems like a lot of work for such a basic code editing function :-(
Are there any plans to add this command natively in a future release?
On Mar 22, 2006, at 7:06 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 21/3/2006, at 17:48, Dan Ridley wrote:
If you really want to get it into one command, you can use this:
perl -pe 's/[\t ]+$//g' > "$TM_FILEPATH" && cat "$TM_FILEPATH"
(Input: Entire Document Output: Replace Document)
There are two problems with this, though:
- TextMate will not know that you've overwritten the file, so
while the file contents on disk will match the file contents in TextMate, you'll still get the "unsaved" bullet on your tab, and will be prompted to save on close.
- You'll be returned to the beginning of the current line when
you run it.
If you set the command to save before, it will think the file is up-to-date (even though the command makes a second save), and if you set the output to discard, you should get rid of the latter problem (then also remove the » && cat "$TM_FILEPATH"«).
It does however not handle the case where the file is untitled.
Just FYI (meant for the list) I am currently (amongst other) looking into extending commands to be used in various (callback) events, and directly on files (from the file browser). So long- term the way to strip trailing spaces (and similar) will be a method very similar to this (but with a slightly extended infrastructure to make it more graceful).
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