Hi, I'm just in the process of switching from BBedit... TextMate is a great combination of Mac UI and Unix power :). There are a few things I've found that could be improved:
i) Having all the commands in bundles can make it quite tricky to find things. Not sure how to improve this. I almost want an obvious 'search all commands' command. While browsing the list, I noticed someone else's feature request for a 'what does this key combo do' feature. I'd like to second that. And add a request for an 'open a window with a list of all current key combos' feature.
ii) I'm used to having a shell open. As I move around I might want to either open files in TextMate from the shell, or do something in the shell to a file that is open in TextMate. This leads to two strangenesses: - If you use the 'mate' command in the shell to open a file, then the file doesn't get added to the "Open Recent >" menu. I think it should (perhaps as an option to 'mate', or a preference). - If I already have a shell open, I want to drag the document icon in the window title bar to the shell to get the path to the document (as you can in the finder with folders). Now, I can open a new shell with in the same directory, and I could make a command to copy the path to the current file. I'd kinda like the drag-and-drop OUT of textmate option though. (N.B. you can do this with icons in a project. You just can't do it with an individual file's icon.)
iii) While looking for a solution to the 'drag out of textmate' problem, I searched the list and found that I could drag out of a project. But I already had the file I wanted to edit open. I didn't have a shell in that dir (so I couldn't 'mate .') and I didn't have a Finder window in that dir any more. I couldn't find a way to 'make a new project with a currently open file'. I'm sure I could make a new command to do this pretty quickly, but it seems like something that should already be there, somewhere.
Anyway, thanks for a great product. :)
Will :-}