Sounds awesome. Can't wait to use it. This will be the new default for my codecompletion library.
thomas Aylott ? subtleGradient ? CrazyEgg ? bundleForge
ScreenCast #2:
We talked a bit on IRC about how to avoid having to pre-generate all the snippets. I guess one idea is to supply a shell command that generates the snippet, Which is then inserted by the plugin. I am trying to come up with a syntax for that. Perhaps an additional key to the dict will do?
{mutableString = 'foo'; suggestions = (...) ; shell = { start = 'ruby -e ' '; end = ''';}; }
and then the plist version of whatever was selected gets inserted between start and end? perhaps an optional middle key that tells what key-value from the returned list to insert?
Perhaps someone can come up with a better key-name than shell.
Joachim MÃ¥rtensson