There is a plugin called ReMate which should fix the problem. If you are editing files over a network share, this is bad news with TextMate and will probably eventually crash and lose your work. Be careful.
When i open a folder on textmate, in this case, kohana stack. I open e file writing some code. Then save it, goto chromium to check. Now when return to textmate, textmate freezes and takes 100% CPU, after some time, 5 to 20second, everything comes to normal. This happenes every time textmate lost focus then got focus again. step to reproduce,
- Open textmate and open a file.
- Goto another app while keeping textmate open, In a word,make
textmate lose focus. 3. Return to textmate, In a word, make textmate got focus. => Cpu usage goto 100% and textmate hangs. I'm suspecting that when getting focus, textmate scans the files for changes outside textmate, is that it ? if so, is there any workaround ?