Dear Textmate Users,
I use textmate + skim on Mac OS 10.4.11 to compile LaTeX-documents. I recently started using the LaTeX package "lmodern". I soon realized that mathematical formulas are not correctly displayed when I use this package, however, they are perfectly fine as long as I do not use this package. After trying a lot of things with math fonts I realized that the problem is with textmate. I use textmate (version 1.5.7) with the option enabled for automatic document compiling. If I use from the terminal to compile my document, the math formulas are correctly displayed, however, if I use textmate (which should also simply call to do the job, then e.g. a greek psi is not correctly displayed. How can I tell textmate to simply apply the perl script and do not do anything different because then the error occurs. I would also like to add that I use the latest version of (4.01) and the .dvi-file is also correctly displayed in skim. It's just that textmate somehow instructs to do something weird with the .dvi file to get the .ps and .pdf files. How can I solve this problem?
Best regards,
P.s.: here is a minimal example:
\documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[USenglish]{babel} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \begin{document} $\psi$, $\mathbb{N}_0$ \end{document}