Apologies, I'm not awake today. So Tex2Word also needs Windows :-(. I would suggest trying out the RTF thing though, it is quite good. If it works you can always add a command to the LaTeX bundle to automatically do the conversion on compile :-P.
On 28 August 2012 11:58, David Howden dhowden@gmail.com wrote:
I'm aware of the latex -> rtf tool (http://sourceforge.net/projects/latex2rtf/) which might be enough for your needs? it's in quite good shape. A quick google also brought up this:http://www.chikrii.com/products/tex2word/ which I'm assuming you've discarded for some reason or other (haven't played with it myself, but it does look a little dated!).
Other than that it seems that you need windows and Word and a plugin: http://www.grindeq.com/index.php?p=latex2word
On 28 August 2012 11:38, Daniel Marcelino dmsilv@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to hear whether anybody here knows a way to typeset a latex file in textmate and then export it as MS Word .doc file. Any help will are welcome.
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