On Mar 22, 2006, at 6:30 AM, Andreas Wahlin wrote:
I never thought I could work with a dark background, now I can't work with a white :)
Suggestions on a tutorial would probably be just a slight cover of scopes so people who don't know about it get the general idea, then a solid walkthrough where you begin with a template theme and use the getScope to find the scope and then just fill in colours.
If you want to go a bit more advanced, maybe on a later tutorial, you could mention how using scopes "text.latex meta.group.braces meta.group.braces keyword.operator.braces" and "text.latex meta.group.braces meta.group.braces meta.group.braces keyword.operator.braces" you could get different nesting levels of braces in LaTeX to be colored differently. Makes things much easier to read. :)
So basically, I think the best thing you can do is supply a theme template and then just show users how to fill it in.