On Jan 24, 2008, at 6:10 AM, Jacob Rus wrote:
dakarp wrote:
I am currently a user of BBEdit. I'd like to be able to use TextMate if I could find a combination of an SFTP client and TextMate that would allow me to edit multiple files remotely as a project (grouped in the same window,
Incidentally, have you looked into synchronizing things with some version control system, and working on a local copy? For most projects, such is a generally safer way to work.
I totally agree. From tiny projects to massive projects, I find that I just can't stand the slowness of developing on a remote system. Even if there's no way of previewing what I'm developing locally.
Here's my most recent in depth look into workflows. http://subtlegradient.com/articles/2007/03/30/web-development-environment-an...
I don't recommend committing something to subversion just to get it uploaded to a dev server for testing.
I do recommend using Transmit with DockSend and the Transmit bundle for TextMate. Set it up properly and you can upload with a single action from inside textmate.
—Thomas Aylott – subtleGradient—