have you set in your project folder as environment variable? (see latex helpfile for that?)
you could do this:
in the latex bundle search for:
run_tex () { if [ "$TEX" != ] then "$TEX" ${TM_LATEX_OPTIONS:=-interaction=nonstopmode -file-line- error-style} "$1" else "$TEX" -f -r "${TM_BUNDLE_PATH}/latexmkrc" "$1" fi }
and replace with:
run_tex () { if [ "$TEX" != ] then "$TEX" ${TM_LATEX_OPTIONS:=-interaction=nonstopmode -file-line- error-style} "$1" else "$TEX" -f -r "${TM_BUNDLE_PATH}/latexmkrc" "$1" -pvc fi }
I guess if you would like to be more flexible you would need to add another variable for your options and replace the hardcoded options above with that variable; maybe like:
else "$TEX" -f -r "${TM_BUNDLE_PATH}/latexmkrc" "$1" "$ {TM_LATEX_OPT_MKRC}"
and then set the Variable TM_LATEX_OPT_MKRC in your project to "- pvc" (which would also provide you with an easy way to switch different sets of variables by creating the variables in your project [all same name, but just one selected/checked]).