Greetings all,
I can confirm the behaviour Keith described: for me it's evident when I
1. start in directory "x" and create a simple "article.tex" using the article template in TextMate 2. create a "deeper" directory in "x" and create another " article.tex" file within "x/deeper". Add a simple line of text to distinguish the two outputs. 3. open up directory "x" in TextMate
The processing works fine the first time (eg on "x/article.tex"), but on processing "x/deeper/article.tex" nothing changes in the previewer, and it's not brought to the front. Similarly a click on the button "View in ((name of preview app))" in the web output window produces no change (and no change of focus). I tried with both Skim and TeXShop as previewer.
I did have a poke around in the latex processing scripts, but am probably a bit out of my depth here. The one thing that looks a bit suspicious is that "refreshViewer(viewer,pdfFile)" in seems to use the filename, rather than the path of the file to send the osascript to refresh the view. In "Skim" for example, the command reads (in essence):
tell application "Skim" to revert document "filename"
instead of something like
tell application "Skim" to revert (every document whose path is "/path/to/article.pdf")
(I'll contain my hatred of Applescript to this set of brackets...) Is that the command in your version Haris? If it is I'm surprised it could work with two identically named files unless the act of refreshing was somehow changing the order in which they were indexed. Anyway, I hope this might give someone else a key to fixing the issue. It's also possible that I'm misreading the chain of command(s).
Cheers, Paul (happy user of the latex system in TextMate for quite some time now!)