On 27/4/2006, at 16:03, Paul Mucur wrote:
I see in the archives that Ke Han asked for a "bracket matching feature" [...] but that the only way to reproduce this behaviour is via the shift-cmd B "Select Enclosing Brackets" command.
Is there any way for me to implement this behaviour [...]
You could write a plug-in that intercepts double-clicks and translate them to shift-cmd B, if that is what you mean by “any way for [you] to implement this”.
But otherwise, no. Btw: the accessibility API can be used to query the word under the mouse cursor, this is how Tiger’s floating dictionary works.
On another note, I have noticed what I believe is a bug when shifting lines left and right: [...]
This is just how it currently works. It likely will change, but post 2.0.