I've read the documentation and done some searching and haven't found the answer to this.
For shell init scripts and various other purposes, I'd like to be able to "type" characters like ⌃[ or ⌃G. You know, the kind of thing you would precede with ⌃V in the Terminal. It seems that Cocoa has a key binding for this (NSQuotedKeystrokeBinding, which is ⌃Q by default), but it is used for another purpose in Textmate. Has the functionality been remapped or do I need to try to define it for Textmate myself? It doesn't seem to be set…
rob@kendra ~> defaults read com.macromates.Textmate NSQuotedKeystrokeBinding 2006-11-29 14:47:10.910 defaults[6713] The domain/default pair of (com.macromates.Textmate, NSQuotedKeystrokeBinding) does not exist
On a related note, I'd like to be able to "see" these characters as well, or perhaps toggle them of and on (with ⌥⌘I ideally). Texmate is better than most Cocoa apps, as it seems to display a space in place of such characters instead of nothing at all, but I'd like to know what that space represents. Has anyone tried enabling [NSTextShowsControlCharacters][] in Textmate? I'm guessing there would be undesired side-effects.
Should I have asked these questions before Allan took off? :)
[NSTextShowsControlCharacters]: http://developer.apple.com/ documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/EventOverview/TextDefaultsBindings/ chapter_9_section_4.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000468-610689
--- Rob