Scripsit Alan Schussman die- 1.5.2006 17:15:
On May 1, 2006, at 3:22 AM, Theorik wrote:
– I'm not sure who develops the R bundle; the highlighting is quite okay, the comments aren't (commenting uses C style by default; this doesn't work). I copied over the Python or Perl definitions (#) with the right scope marker. Is such a trivial change this worth asking for a svn account, or where should such suggestions be directed?
I'm not sure if anybody is actively maintaining the R bundle. I did the exact same thing to the commenting and it's a nice improvement.
Since you're using R and LaTeX, do you by any chance also use Sweave? If so, I have a mostly-working Sweave bundle that I'd love to share and get a second set of eyes on.
No, I don't use Sweave – though now that I know about it – thanks! –, I wonder whether I should ;-) But anyway, I won't be of any help for you yet, I suppose; sorry.