The attributes list should be separated by a single space in quotes. Try adding the following:
scopeAttributes = 'attr.keep-whitespace’
On Jul 28, 2018, at 10:53 AM, Etienne Samson wrote:
Hello !
Some time ago I posted a SO question about an [issue]( I encountered while running both the Strip-Whitespace-On-Save and Ensure-Newline-At-EOF bundles (the latter being the recently added one).
Since that question didn't gather any feedback, maybe I'll have more luck here, hence the "repost".
The gist of the issue is that either 1) couldn't read the manual hard enough to find the correct syntax to use, 2) scopeAttributes really are limited to 1 (which I didn't expect when I spec-ed the attribute thingy in the SWOS bundle).
Thanks for your time !
Regards, Etienne Samson --
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