Fred B. wrote:
Option + right arrow puts the cursor at the start of the next word (after the ")") Cmd+right arrow or Ctrl+E puts the cursor at the end of the line.
This is true in all Cocoa apps, I think.
Aside from that though .. I think he means something akin to how Eclipse can do ...
It'll do all the smart typing w/ the putting the cursor in the smack dab in between quotes, parenthesis, etc ... but if I hit the semicolon, it jumps out of the quotes/parens whatever put it at the end of the line for me ...
Isn't that nice? ... I wonder if we could mimic something like that w/ textmate ... in jEdit I have a shortcut ... ctrl-; which jumps to the end of the line and drops a semicolon ... not as slick, but still helpful.