That's a pretty good idea, don't know if I'll like it in the ned but it sounds good! I hope you share all your theme work, I haven't found one I really like yet, and I suppose all I can suggest in terms of colour are white/grayish constant backgrounds and then not to bright in the other colours, boring perahps :)
On Sep 10, 2005, at 16:25 , thomas Aylott wrote:
Howdy. I'd like to be ability to change themes just like I change languages. Shortcut key for 1 or many. Scope based.
I'm developing themes for different kinds of things. Say i'm developing an ASP.NET page with html, javascript, css & embedded ASP. I'd like to define themes that show more detail in the language that I'm working in and wash out the colors of everything else. EG: select an HTML tag, hit cmd-opt-shift-option-numpad_5... shebang! asp, javascript & css fade & html tags pop! select embedded ruby within the string of an html attribute, cmd- opt-shift-option-numpad_5... sheboom! everything fades & embedded ruby pops!
OH, yeah!!!
PS: i'll be sharing more wacky themes soon-ish. If anyone has any suggestions for color palettes, please let me know. I'm itching for some code sweetness.
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