it is great that finally Japanese is shown correctly in TextMate but the input has some problems and differs from the rest of the system.
When I enter only one character like 私 (watashi), I type "watashi", hit space, select the character and hit enter. The final result is 私 and the cursor is set after the character. In TM2 the enter will delete the character, as if it is selected and do a line break.
When I enter a whole sentence, I press space when I am ready and the system will do some auto-conversion. Then I will get to to the first sentence-element and can press space to change the conversion to something different (loads of homonymes in Japanese). With cursor left and right I can go through the text elements and narrow the selection what a certain text element is with shift+left or widen it with shift+right. I end conversion-mode with pressing enter, when everything is in the state as I want it. When I press left or right in TM2 the conversion-mode ends and the cursor goes to the right but conversion-mode should only end after pressing enter (and only an extra enter should create the line-break).