One thing i would love to see that is easy is "fast find": the user types a start code, and then each character they type is added to the find string which occurs live...
In other words, I hit cmd-I (for incremental search),then "e" and the e in One would be highlighted. add "a", and the search moves to "easy", add "p" and i get a beep and the search stays where it is (not found in buffer). backspace, i am searching for "ea" again. Click or cmd-I again exits the search.
This is amazingly valuable many times a day.
Firefox has it, as does Safari via the lovely AcidSearch plug-in (if you don't have it, grab it!)
Acidsearch =
On 21/12/2005, at 12:22 PM, Sune Foldager wrote:
[partial regex is] not unproblematic to implement, I think, since partial regexes are easily illegal or you can accidentally enter something that will take exponential time until you add the final '?' or similar.