Create a language (Chapter 10 of the TextMate Book and Section 12 of the online help) with something like
{ scopeName = 'source.yourlanguage'; fileTypes = ( '.yourextension' ); patterns = ( { name = 'comment.language.yourlanguage'; begin = '/*'; end = '*/'; }, ); }
Then create a comment snippet (Chapter 6)
/* ------------------------------ | Constructor $0 ------------------------------ */
activated by Tab Trigeer comment ->
then create a second snnippet
" | $0 " activated by the key equivalent "return"
It might be possible to use a different approach based on a sigle snippet and transformation, but it could be tricky to write the regular expressions your need.
Hope this helps
On 03/11/2007, at 9:32 AM, Steve Finkelstein wrote:
Hmm, I'd be interested in further researching this. Is there a reference in the TextMate book or website that I can refer to for further details? I bought the Pragmatic edition of the TextMate book.
- sf
On 11/2/07, Guido Governatori wrote:
What about defining a language (scope) for your comments and then a snippet triggered by return in the scope defined by the comment.
All the best
Guido On 03/11/2007, at 8:13 AM, Steve Finkelstein wrote:
Hi all,
I'm looking to add a macro that will let me do something like
comment ->
and create an inline comment structure like:
| Constructor
The only trick is, is it possible to continue pre-pending additional | everytime I hit a newline? so if my comment consists of more than one line I can do
comment ->
| Constructor | <-- added by macro | <-- also added... etc
- sf
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-- Dr Guido Governatori School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering The University of Queensland Brisbane, Queensland, 4072, Australia Phone: +61-(0)7-336 52907 Fax: +61-(0)7-336 54999
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-- Dr Guido Governatori School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering The University of Queensland Brisbane, Queensland, 4072, Australia Phone: +61-(0)7-336 52907 Fax: +61-(0)7-336 54999