For indented soft wrap though it isn’t just about pixels because going from first to second line with caret where there is indent on second, will move the caret, and there’s then a question of whether it should be moved back when leaving the last line of the paragraph.
I believe he was talking about some other issue, if you enable soft-wrap indent and move cared down within the same wrapped source code line, caret goes right by the amount of indent defined in indentedSoftWrap. I'd expect it remain at the same horizontal position, as if I had indented the code manually by line break and spaces. At least this happens in my C++ source with indentedSoftWrap set in the bundle as you suggested in previous post. Surprisingly it does work well on Markdown's list indented soft-wrap.
BTW. Any chance to make PageUp/Down (pageDown: pageUp: selectors) working in next releases, I'd love to continue testing TM2 but I find myself hitting these buttons with no effect all the time.