I'm using TextMate a lot these days to write code for R and I'd like to see if there's a way to make an improvement.
The existing command in the R bundle works fine as long as I'm sending just a handful of lines to the R application, but TextMate gives me the beach ball for as much as a minute when I send lots of code over, and then suddenly dumps all the code into R. For reference, here's the short R command:
osascript -e 'tell application "R" to activate' -e "tell application "R" to cmd "${TM_SELECTED_TEXT//"/\"}""
I'm guessing that TM itself doesn't have a problem with the amount of text, and that the bottleneck is in the applescript. Is there any way to speed up how this is done in the event of a large set of commands? For example, could the command be split into an array and run line-by- line? (Would this result in an increase in speed? I have no idea -- just thinking out loud.)
Thanks for suggestions. Cheers- -Alan