On Jul 31, 2007, at 1:32 PM, Kenneth McDonald wrote:
Recently, I needed to unbind a TextMate menu command (Text:Reformat and Justify) so that I could use ^J for my own uses. Ale Munoz (the n is suppose to have a tilde above it but I don't know how to type that on a US keyboard, sorry) was kind enough to show me how to use the Mouse and Keyboard preferences panel to rebind that menu item to something else, which solves the immediate problem. However, this still begs the question; is there a way to _unbind_ that menu item, so that it has _no_ associated key binding? This can't be done using Ale's method.
I'm not sure you can do that, but you can certainly bind a key to a command that doesn't do anything. For instance you could create a command like this...
Save: Nothing Input: None Output: Discard Key Equivalent: ^J Scope Selector: (leave blank, so it works in all scopes, or enter a scope if you want)
#!/bin/sh exit
Then whenever you hit ^J, it will run this shell script that doesn't do anything. It's not the most elegant thing but it should do what you want, which is to make ^J have no consequence.
Ale's method was using the system keyboard mapping to rebind to items in the menu. But in TextMate specifically, if you create a keybinding in the bundle editor, it will override the bindings in the menus, so you can use this method to override with a new action, or neuter a keybinding as shown above.
Also, you can type ñ with this sequence: Option-n, n
HTH, -dan