The Typo3 bundle (installed via Preferenes → Bundles) binds Cmd-T to “Get TypoScript Setup”.
I have long ago removed this keybindig, resulting in a delta bundle in ~/Application Support/Avian/Bundles/TYPO3.tmbundle (see – these are the only 2 files in this bundle).
Since a9397, this does not work anymore: Cmd-T again calls „Get TypoScript Setup“, even though the bundle editor shows “Key Equivalent:” shown as empty.
Binding the action to any other key works as expected. If I then delete the keybinding, again Cmd-T seems bound to this action (without being shown in the bundle editor).
Apart from this bug, I wonder why the Typo3 bundle binds Cmd-T at all. Should I prepare a pull request removing/changing this binding?
Regards, stefan